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December 2024 Parish Council meeting
7:30 pm, Monday 2 December 2024
SALKO Office, Spaldington
Members of the public are invited to make representations to the Clerk in respect of any business on the agenda to the email address shown on the foot of this notice. Members of the public and press are also invited to address the Parish Council during the “Public Participation” agenda item.
This notice was posted on Wednesday 27 November 2024.
You are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting to be held at the time, date and location shown on this notice.
For decision
- To agree apologies received
- Declarations of interest
- October 2024 Parish Council meeting minutes
For noting
- Public participation
For decision (continued)
- Financial Report
- Initial consideration of 2025/26 budget and precept
- To agree to adopt a new Equality and Diversity Policy
- To agree an Equal Opportunities Statement
- To agree to adopt a new Health and Safety Policy
- To agree to obtain a subscription to Humberside Police Farm Watch
- To agree to update the Council’s Community Emergency Plan
- To consider the criteria for submitting an application for a Speed Indicator Device
- Planning applications:
- 24/03293/PLF, Erection of a general purpose agricultural building, Ivy House Farm, Holme Road, Spaldington, East Riding Of Yorkshire DN14 7ND
For noting (continued)
- Correspondence
- Clerk Report
- Issues raised by councillors
- The next Parish Council meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday 6 January 2025 in the SALKO Office, Spaldington
For decision (private and confidential)
- That the Parish Council resolve to exclude members of the public and press from the meeting as item 19 relates to confidential matters
- To provide feedback to the Hotham and Turner Fund
Jake Wilde
Clerk to Spaldington Parish Council
53 Carter Street, Howden
East Riding of Yorkshire