Spaldington Parish Council the heart of East Yorkshire, for the benefit of the Community...

Spaldington Airfield Windfarm Community Benefit Fund

Applications are invited from community organisations, charities, parish councils, clubs and societies for projects that promote educational, environmental, energy efficiency and amenity initiatives for the benefit of the community.

Eligible communities are the parishes of Spaldington, Bubwith, Foggathorpe, Holme on Spaldington Moor, Eastrington, Howden and Wressle

Applications with a value of less than £500 should be made on the Community Chest Application Form available from the administrator (see details below) or downloaded from the fund web page.

Applications with a value over £500 should be made on the online application form

The fund panel will prioritise applications where the organisation shows some contribution of its own. This can be in cash or in kind. In kind means – volunteer time valued at £7.50 per hour, donations or materials, loan of equipment or free use of land/premises.

The fund panel are unable to support:

  • Applications from individuals
  • Political or religious campaigns
  • Activities detrimental to the commercial operation of the wind farm
  • Activities that would normally understood to be the responsibility of public bodies including Town and Parish Councils, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Humberside Fire and Rescue Services. Humberside Police, Coast guard and Health Authorities
  • For further information go to the fund webpage: www.spaldingtonairfieldwindfarmcommunitybenefitfund


Or contact:          David Farnsworth, Rural Communities Officer

                             CF55, County Hall, BEVERLEY HU17 9BA

                             Telephone: 01482 391706



Spaldington Airfield Windfarm Tree Planting Fund

This fund, which is administered by ERYC, will award grants of upto £1000 to private and public landowners for planting trees and hedges within an approximately 3 mile radius of the Spaldington Airfield wind farm. Schemes should consist of native species and be of sufficient scale to make a beneficial impact to the area, deliver a benefit for wildlife, enhance the local landscape and offer a screening benefit. The fund is not intended to support work in domestic gardens.

For further information contact telephone 01482 393726 who will provide more details on how to apply.


Healthy Homes Project.

The project is designed to help those residents who live with an existing health condition that are made worse by living in cold and damp homes. Some of your residents who live in your community, may be able to receive help through the project, but it needs members of the Parish Council or community to refer them to the project, so that we can go out and visit. No one is forced to accept our help and we always keep the client at the centre of all that we do, so that they have control over what is being done for them and can decline or stop if they wish.

The project is targeting 69 villages across the county and this includes your Parish. 

We are working with a range of partner organisations to offer a measures and support to help residents in your community. To that end, rather than being prescriptive and determining ‘outputs’ for the project, we will focus on the individual needs of the client and ‘wrap’ the intervention around them, their health issues, family, environment and timeframe. To this end we will allocate a ‘budget’ to each client intervention to the maximum of £8,000.

This amount will cover all possible interventions including new heating system if required, repairs to existing heating system, insulation, building work in the case of damp or water ingress, fuel for heating systems if client unable to afford, Pest Control intervention if needed to name some of what we can offer.

Our aim is to make a difference to people lives blighted by living in a house which is cold, difficult to keep warm and possibly damp as well. If residents are living in this type of accommodation and have health issues, their living conditions may be making these worse and we would like to help change that for the better.

If you know someone who lives in a cold, damp property please refer them to the project. 

Let’s improve the warmth for residents living in cold homes, in rural settlements in East Yorkshire.

Please contact: Peter Hirschfeld at Humber & Wolds Rural Community Council

Contact details: Tel: 01652 637700  Mobile: 07539 477046  Email:  Website:

Facebook: Humber & Wolds Rural Community Council; Twitter: @woldsrcc